
Getting Started with Networking Security - Session 2: Zero Trust Visibility

Level up your networking security skills and earn a gold badge 🐝!

Session 1: Intro to Networking Security & SecOps 

Session 2: Networking Security: Zero Trust Visibility

Prerequisite: please note we highly recommend you watch session 1 first before attending our session 2 deep dive.  

Getting Started with Networking Security - Session 2: Zero Trust Visibility

Session 2: Networking Security: Zero Trust Visibility

Level up your network security skills and earn a gold badge! 

Creating the right Network Policies can be difficult. What if you have traffic that isn’t covered by a policy yet? In this video we dive deeper into Zero Trust Visibility where Cilium will show us what traffic is already covered by Zero Trust policies – and what not. In the Zero Trust Visibility lab, you will use Hubble metrics to build a Network Policy Verdict dashboard in Grafana showing which flows need to be allowed in your policy approach. 


Prerequisite: please note we highly recommend you watch session 1 first before watching the session 2 deep dive. Watch here.


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