
About Us

We are passionate about Linux networking, security, open source, and especially about the power of eBPF.

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Our team

We are passionate about networking, security, Kubernetes and eBPF. Together we have contributed decades to open source projects and care deeply about open collaboration. We are distributed across the world and span nine timezones. Beyond technology many of us share a love of the outdoors, running, hiking, skiing, climbing, curling and biking.

Executive Team


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What our investors say

As more and more customers are succeeding with Kubernetes on top of Azure, we see a strong demand for advanced networking & security use cases. eBPF and Cilium are leading open source technologies for scalable & secure connectivity in Kubernetes. Isovalent is leading the open source communities driving these technologies. Through this relationship between Azure Networking and Isovalent, we will bring the best eBPF and Cilium experience and integration to our customers.