
Cilium Cheat Sheet

Are you using Cilium, and do you often have to look up options in the documentation? Fear not, this cheat sheet will help!


Cilium is very powerful! And it is well documented! But sometimes, going through the extensive documentation just to check on CLI flag or option is a daunting task. Luckily, with this Cilium cheat sheet, you will have one, compressed source to look at to find all things you need to operate your Cilium data plane!

  • How do I troubleshoot Cilium?
  • What is the command to list the FQDN cache?
  • How do I display BPF program events?
  • What common flags can I use with the connectivity test?
  • Where do I find the load balancer service list?

These, and much more, can be found in the PDF!

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Discovery: Platform Engineer

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Discovery: Cloud Network Engineer

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Discovery: SecOps Engineer

In this short hands-on discovery lab designed for SecOps Engineers, you will learn, in 15 minutes, several Cilium and Tetragon security features, including: Network Observability Network Policies Transparent Encryption Mutual Authentication Runtime Security Visibility and Enforcement with Tetragon and more!

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