Advanced Network Policy

Security fit for the Cloud Native world
Advanced Network Policy

Firewall policies based on identity, not IP addresses


  • How can I separate tenants and workloads when IP rules don’t apply?
  • How can I enable communication between certain tenants or workloads?
  • How do I control outbound traffic?
  • How can I implement fine-grained policies?
  • How can I maintain policies effectively at scale?

Cilium Network Security

  • Strong security isolation with network policies based on cloud native identities
  • L7 policies, enabling granular API-level security for common protocols such as HTTP, Kafka, gRPC
  • DNS aware, identifying external domains
  • Label based policies, segmenting tenants or workloads
  • Policy visualization and editing
Network Policy Editor

Manage and secure access in your clusters

  • Prevent unauthorized or unwanted access: between workloads, tenants and the outside world
  • Use fine-grained policies for detailed isolation
  • Faster adoption with a user-friendly network policy UI
  • Quickly create powerful policies
  • Simplify policy troubleshooting
  • No need for additional tooling

Network Policy Demo

Network Policies - the basics, the gotchas, how to create, how to apply them, and everything else that is to know about them!

Duffie Cooley will guide you through eBPF-powered Cilium network policies, how Hubble can help you with them, and the importance of DNS and L7 transparency.

Palantir Solution Highlight

“In the context of a network tool with Layer 7 controls such as Cilium, we receive block events for activity that we might not see if using a traditional network security solution."

-- Vlad Ungureanu - Backend Software Developer

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