Cilium IPv6 Networking and Observability
Learn how simple IPv6 can be installed and operated with Cilium and Hubble.
With Kubernetes’ IPv6 support improving in recent releases and Dual Stack Generally Available in Kubernetes 1.23, it’s time to learn about IPv6 on Kubernetes.
You might be wondering “How on Earth am I going to be able to operate this?”
Good news – you’re in the right place.
This lab will walk you through how to deploy a IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack Kubernetes cluster and install Cilium and Hubble to benefit from their networking and observability capabilities. In particular, visibility of IPv6 flows is absolutely essential.
IPv6’s slow adoption is primarily caused by fears it would be hard to operate and manage. As you will see, a tool such as Hubble will help operators visualize and understand their IPv6 network better.
Main steps in the lab
Explore the lab's environment
Let's install Cilium and Hubble on the cluster, with IPv6 enabled
Let's deploy the demo app!
Let's use Hubble to observe IPv6 flows.