Isovalent Town Hall
These Town Hall sessions have an agenda packed with everything from platform to application. Join us to meet with our Solution Architects, enjoy a guided demonstration, discuss, exchange experiences and ideas with other users that wants to learn more about Isovalent Cilium Enterprise.

Join the community and tune in to our technical open-mic sessions!
The Isovalent Town Hall meetings are open-mic discussions with the goal to learn from each other on how to get the most out of Isovalent Cilium Enterprise. Each session will have a main topic and a few agenda points as a guideline for the attending community, but there will be enough room to raise topics and discuss questions.
Upcoming Town Hall sessions:
- February 1415:00 CET / 09:00 US Eastern Time
Application team: Running a Service Mesh without the mess.
Deployment, ingress, TLS
- March 1415:00 CET / 09:00 US Eastern Time
Application team: Connecting applications, cloud native style.
L7 policies, visualization, extended logs, and dashboards
Session structure:
- +0 minutesOpen mic intro/ round table discussion/ use case discussion/ AMA
Let us know if you have any specific topic you would like us to bring up!
- + 20 minutesIso-share
Diving into today’s main topic.
- +50 minutesNews to share from Isovalent
We share new blogs that are published, new case studies to read etc.
Do you have a topic you would like to discuss during the Town Hall?
Or do you have any questions?
Please contact