How the Hive Came to Bee: Cilium as an eBPF use case

How the Hive Came to Bee: Cilium as an eBPF use case

What’s Next?

Join the creators of eBPF and Cilium at these events to learn about your cloud native journey with Isovalent Cilium Enterprise.

Bee Tracks

Instructor-led hands-on lab experience covering Cilium, Hubble, eBPF & Tetragon led by the creators & maintainers of the technologies.

Register now

How the Hive Came to Bee: The History of eBPF

Session 1 of 3. Here we go through the history of eBPF, and how it has fundamentally changed networking, tracing, and security.

Watch on-demand

How the Hive came to Bee: Technical deep dive into eBPF

Session 2 of 3. In this second session we will focus on a technical deep dive of eBPF and learn about its inner workings.

Watch on-demand

eBPF Summit

Join us for eBPF Summit, a virtual event targeted at everyone from DevOps &, SecOps to developers.

Register now!

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