• Dean Lewis
    About the speakerDean Lewis

    Senior Technical Marketing Engineer

Cilium Hubble Exporter – Write Hubble flows to a log file

Technical Walkthrough video covering how to write Hubble flows to a file for consumption as logs using the Cilium Hubble Exporter feature

Hubble Exporter is a feature of Cilium that lets you write Hubble flows to a file for later consumption as logs. Hubble Exporter supports file rotation, size limits, filters, and field masks.



Cilium Hubble CLI Walkthrough

[16:00] In this video we give you a deep dive of using the Cilium Hubble CLI, looking at how to filter and view specific flows of data, as well as exporting and importing your chosen workload flows between systems.

Dean Lewis

Cilium Hubble: Redact Sensitive Information From Network Observability Flows

Cilium and Hubble give you deep visibility into the network flows across your cloud-native platform and can inspect and show you meaningful data between the transactions between services, such as URL parameters. Sometimes this data can be classified as sensitive, or even potentially unnecessary when storing the network flows. In Cilium 1.15, the Hubble Redact features provide the ability to sanitize sensitive information from Layer 7 data flows captured by Hubble.

Dean Lewis

Grafana Network Observability + Hubble

[14:57] In this demo, learn how you can gain network observability by using Grafana, Cilium and Hubble!

Anna Kapuścińska