• Dean Lewis
    About the speakerDean Lewis

    Senior Technical Marketing Engineer

Cilium Hubble CLI Walkthrough

[16:00] In this video we give you a deep dive of using the Cilium Hubble CLI, looking at how to filter and view specific flows of data, as well as exporting and importing your chosen workload flows between systems.

In this video we give you a deep dive of using the Cilium Hubble CLI, looking at how to filter and view specific flows of data, as well as exporting and importing your chosen workload flows between systems.

You can follow this blog post for a full run down including a Hubble CLI Cheat Sheet.



Cilium Hubble Series (Part 1): Re-introducing Hubble

In this first post in this new Hubble series, learn about the Why/What/How of Hubble!

Nico Vibert

Cilium Hubble Series (Part 2): Hubble for the Enterprise

Learn all about Hubble for the Enterprise

Dean Lewis

Golden Signals with Hubble and Grafana

One of the most important thing when running applications in an environment like Kubernetes is to have good observability and deep insights. However, for many organizations it can be challenging to update existing applications to provide the observability you need. With Cilium, you can use the Hubble Layer 7 visibility functionality to get Prometheus metrics for your application without having to modify it at all. In this lab you will learn how Cilium can provide metrics for an existing application with and without tracing functionality, and how you can use Grafana dashboards provided by Cilium to gain insight into how your application is behaving.