Isovalent Library


Cilium BGP Graceful Restart

[09:15] In this video, Nico Vibert teaches you about BGP Graceful Restart with Cilium, and how the datapath continues to forward traffic during Agent restart, so there is no traffic disruption!

Nico Vibert

Grafana Network Observability + Hubble

[14:57] In this demo, learn how you can gain network observability by using Grafana, Cilium and Hubble!

Anna Kapuścińska

Form3: Prepare for the multi-cloud with Cilium on Kubernetes

Learn how Cilium on Kubernetes helps a payment processing platform to build a cloud agnostic environment for developers while ensuring high throughput, reliability, and simplified maintenance.


Tietoevry: More than just a CNI: Isovalent Cilium Enterprise as the cloud native network stack

Learn how Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium can help IT service providers with many teams and clusters to standardize on a powerful, fully cloud-native network stack.


FromFQDN Support in Cilium Network Policy with Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium 1.13

[06:00] In this new feature exclusive to Isovalent Cilium Enterprise 1.13.2, users can now filter traffic in ingress based on FQDN!

Nico Vibert

Cilium Mesh Introduction & AMA

An introduction and ask-me-anything session on the brand new Cilium Mesh capability with Martynas Pumputis and Thomas Graf.


What is Cloud Networking & How does it relate to Cloud Native?

A discussion with Liz Rice, Chief Open Source Officer at Isovalent, and GigaOm CTO Howard Holton about GigaOm’s latest report on Cloud Networking.


What’s new in Cilium 1.13 and beyond!

Learn more about the latest and greatest open source and enterprise features of Isovalent Cilium Enterprise and Cilium 1.13 with Thomas Graf, Co-Creator of Cilium, CTO and Co-Founder of Isovalent.


How to supercharge Red Hat OpenShift with eBPF using Cilium

[54:56] In this video, Thomas Graf (Isovalent CTO and Co-Founder and co-creator of Cilium) and Brandon Jozsa (Associate Principal SA at Red Hat) present the core concepts of eBPF and Cilium and why and how you might want to use it on your Red Hat OpenShift Environment.

Thomas Graf

Cilium Gateway API – HTTP Response Header Modifier

[05:50] In this short demo, we look at how the Cilium Gateway API can add, remove or edit HTTP Headers from responses to HTTP requests.

Nico Vibert

Virtual Workshop: Golden Signals with Hubble & Grafana

Learn more about the integration of Grafana and Isovalent and how you can take your observability for service connectivity to the next level.


Back to Basics – L7 Flow Visibility

[07:26] In this short demo, we look at the 2 options to achieve Layer 7 flow observability using Cilium and Hubble.

Nico Vibert

Back to Basics – Hubble UI

[03:33] In this short demo, Senior Technical Marketing Engineer Nico Vibert revisits the Hubble UI and how a Service Map can be automatically build for your micro-services applications running on a Cilium-managed network.

Nico Vibert

Cilium 1.12 Release Webinar

[52:41] Join Thomas Graf, CTO and Co-Founder of Isovalent to learn more about the latest and greatest open source and enterprise features of Isovalent Cilium Enterprise 1.12.

Thomas Graf

Network Observability for OpenShift with Isovalent Cilium Enterprise

[06:01] In this demo presented by Isovalent EMEA Field CTO Raymond de Jong, learn more network connectivity and security on RedHat OpenShift clusters, using Isovalent's Enterprise distribution of Cilium.

Raymond de Jong

WireGuard Node-To-Node Encryption on Cilium

[10:44] In this video, learn about a new feature: Cilium Transparent Encryption with WireGuard can now encrypt traffic node-to-node!

Nico Vibert

Cilium Gateway API – TLS Termination

[06:39] In this video, Senior Technical Marketing Engineer Nico Vibert walks you through how Cilium Gateway API can route HTTPS traffic into your cluster.

Nico Vibert

Cilium Gateway API – HTTP Header Modifier

[05:22] In this short video, Senior Technical Marketing Engineer Nico Vibert walks you through how to use Cilium Gateway API to modify HTTP headers.

Nico Vibert

Cilium in Action: Real-world Use Cases and Challenges

Learn how customers put Cilium to use with Raymond de Jong, Field CTO at Isovalent.


Cilium Technical Deep Dive: Under the Hood

Dive deep into the technical bits and pieces of Cilium with Duffie Cooley, Field CTO at Isovalent.


Cilium’s Evolution: The Story So Far

Learn the story of Cilium: how it all got started, and why the project was open from day one. Hosted by Thomas Graf, co-founder of Cilium.


Video: Cilium BIG TCP

[11:37] With Cilium 1.13 comes a new exciting feature that enables faster performance and lower latency through the network stack: BIG TCP.

Nico Vibert

Cilium Gateway API – Mini Demo

[03:23] In this brief demo, we introduce a new Cilium 1.13 feature: support for Kubernetes Gateway API !

Nico Vibert

Ingress To Gateway Migration – Mini-Demo

[02:26] In this brief demo, we test a new tool called Ingress2Gateway that lets you convert Kubernetes Ingress resources to Gateway API resources.

Nico Vibert

Cilium L7 Load-Balancing with K8S Services – Mini Demo

[01:01] In Cilium 1.13, you can now use Cilium’s embedded Envoy proxy to achieve load-balancing for L7 services, with a simple annotation.

Nico Vibert

Cilium Shared LB – Mini Demo

[01:13] In Cilium 1.13, Ingress Resource can now share Kubernetes LoadBalancer Resources. Watch the mini demo to learn more!

Nico Vibert

Cilium Traffic Splitting – Mini Demo

[01:30] Cilium 1.13 comes with a fully integrated with a HTTP traffic splitting engine!

Nico Vibert

InternalTrafficPolicy on Cilium – Mini Demo

[01:47] In this mini-demo, you will learn about internalTrafficPolicy support on Cilium! This feature was added with Cilium 1.13.

Nico Vibert

Cilium LB IPAM – Mini Demo

[01:41] In this mini-demo, you will get an insight into Load-Balancer IP Address Management support on Cilium! This feature was added with Cilium 1.13.

Nico Vibert

Cilium SCTP – Mini Demo

[01:21] In this mini-demo, you will get an insight into SCTP support on Cilium! This feature was added with Cilium 1.13.

Nico Vibert

Cilium BGP Service Advertisement – Mini Demo

[01:09] What’s new in Cilium 1.13 is the ability to use Cilium to advertise not just the Pod IP range but Kubernetes Service IPs.

Nico Vibert

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, Europe

Check out the Cilium, and eBPF talks during KubeCon Europe here!


Fireside chat with Liz Rice on her upcoming O’Reilly book

Fireside chat on "Learning eBPF" with Liz Rice, Author and Chief Open Source Officer and Tracy P Holmes, Co-host of eBPF Summit 2022.


Cilium as an eBPF use case (How the Hive came to Bee Series)

[39:52] The final part of the How the Hive Came to Bee series is presented by Joe Stringer (Cilium maintainer).

Joe Stringer

A Technical Deep Dive of eBPF (How the Hive Came to Bee Series)

[60:56] Join us for the second session of our eBPF Creators webinar series to learn how eBPF works at the kernel level. You will learn how eBPF functions under the hood, discuss the internal workings, and see “how things are actually done” with eBPF.

Daniel Borkmann

The History of eBPF (How the Hive Came to Bee Series)

[52:11] Tune in to the first session of our eBPF Creators' webinar series to hear how eBPF was started, and what challenges that can be solved with eBPF that was impossible before. In this session you will learn the impact of eBPF and how it is fundamentally changing networking, tracing, and security.

John Fastabend

SRv6 on Cilium – An Introductory Demo

[05:40] In this demo, Isovalent Staff Software Engineer Louis DeLosSantos walks through an introductory demo of SRv6 on Cilium, for a L3VPN use case. The demo was first shown live during eBPF Day North America 2022.

Louis DeLosSantos

Isovalent & Grafana: A match made in Hive-an!

Learn why Isovalent & Grafana partner to provide powerful observability for kubernetes and cloud native service connectivity. This integration is a result of the innovations at the Linux kernel layer with eBPF and Cilium, led by Isovalent.


Video: Cilium Transparent Encryption with IPsec and WireGuard

[09:35] In this video, Senior Technical Marketing Engineer Nico Vibert walks through two methods to encrypt data in transit between Kubernetes Pods: Cilium Transparent Encryption with IPsec or WireGuard.

Nico Vibert

IPv6 Networking and Observability with Cilium and Hubble

[10:00] In this video, Senior Technical Marketing Engineer Nico Vibert will walk you through how to deploy a IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack Kubernetes cluster and install Cilium and Hubble to benefit from their networking and observability capabilities.

Nico Vibert

Cilium Tech Talk October

The latest Cilium features including BGP, Timescape and a demo of NAT46/64 with Daniel Borkmann, co-creator of eBPF.


Getting Started with Cilium Monitoring with Grafana

[07:07] In this video, Nico Vibert introduces monitoring key metrics of Cilium and Hubble, by leveraging Prometheus and Grafana.

Nico Vibert

PostFinance: Scalability and Observability with Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium

A discussion around the PostFinance Cloud Native Journey with Filip from PostFinance.


How the Hive Came to Bee: Cilium as an eBPF use case

Using eBPF in the real world - let’s take Cilium as an eBPF use case.


How the Hive Came to Bee: A technical deep dive of eBPF

Learn how eBPF looks and feels like under the hood, understand the internal workings and see “how things are actually done” with eBPF.


How the Hive Came to Bee: The history of eBPF

The history of eBPF, and how it fundamentally changed networking and tracing.


Quickstart into Tetragon

[21:27] In this Isovalent Tech Talk,Natália Réka Ivánkó walks through what Tetragon is, how it can be used for container runtime observability and security and goes through a cool demo.

Natália Réka Ivánkó

Tech Talk: Isovalent Cilium Enterprise and Cilium 1.12 Features and Updates

Everything around the set of updates and features of Isovalent Cilium Enterprise and Cilium OSS.


AKS Bring Your Own CNI (BYOCNI) and Cilium

[03:09] In this short video, Senior Technical Marketing Engineer Nico Vibert deploys a AKS cluster without a CNI to ease the installation of Cilium.

Nico Vibert

BGP on Cilium

[14:24] In this video, Senior Technical Marketing Engineer Nico Vibert walks through BGP enhancements in Cilium 1.12, with the integration with GoBGP. This new version also introduces support for BGP over IPv6.

Nico Vibert

Pod Traffic Rate Limiting with Cilium Bandwidth Manager

[05:15] In this short video, Senior Technical Marketing Engineer Nico Vibert walks you through how to use Cilium Bandwidth Manager to rate-limit the traffic sent by your Kubernetes Pods. Great to address potential contention issues !

Nico Vibert

Cluster Mesh Service Affinity

[12:35] In this video, Senior Technical Marketing Engineer Nico Vibert walks through a new feature with Cilium 1.12 - the ability to specify service affinity for meshed cluster load balancing.

Nico Vibert

Cilium and eBPF at KubeCon EU 2022

Watch presentations around Cilium & eBPF at KubeCon EU 2022 by Isovalent and others.


Supercharging OpenShift with Cilium and eBPF

OpenShift with eBPF using Cilium for Networking, Security, and Observability.