RBAC for Multi-Tenant Observability

Teams need access to their app metrics
RBAC for Multi-Tenant Observability

Teams need access to their app metrics

Even if data are there, access is tricky

  • Traditional logging has no means to separate data by tenants.
  • There is no simple way for an application owner to access the data even if they are available.
  • General operations dashboards cannot be given out to app owners for security reasons.

Access via OpenID Connect

  • Multi-tenant, self-service access using OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard.
  • RBAC based access to flow data and connectivity metrics associated with their workloads, like DNS lookup failures, network policy drops, TCP layer connection failures/resets, etc.

Streamline data access for application owners

  • Speed up investigation of application layer issues and alerts.
  • Mitigate “finger-pointing” between application and infrastructure operation teams.
  • Enabling frictionless, self-service root-cause analysis for application teams.

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