BGP on Cilium

Learn how to connect your Kubernetes Clusters with your on-premises network using BGP.

As Kubernetes becomes more pervasive in on-premise environments, users increasingly have both traditional applications and Cloud Native applications in their environments.

In order to connect them together and allow outside access, a mechanism to integrate Kubernetes and the existing network infrastructure running BGP is needed. Cilium offers native support for BGP, exposing Kubernetes to the outside and all the while simplifying users’ deployments.

VersionOpen Source

Main steps in the lab

01🚀 The Lab Environment

Explore the lab's environment

02🌐 Virtual Network Fabric Configuration

In this task, we will be creating a BGP-enabled virtual network fabric.

03⬢ Install Cilium

Let's install Cilium on the cluster.

04🚦 Cilium BGP Configuration

Deploy BGP Peering Policies on Cilium and verify end-to-end connectivity.