Multi Cloud and Hybrid Cloud
Multi Cloud Networking
Multi-Cloud Multi-Headaches
- Most Cloud Providers provide their own custom CNIs resulting in operational complexity for customers operating in multi-cloud environments.
- For example, the configuration and capabilities of the AWS CNI, Azure CNI and OpenShift SDN are significantly different.
- Installing, operating and troubleshooting network interfaces across these cloud environments
Consistent Cloud Networking
- Cilium has become the preferred CNI for some of the largest cloud providers:
- Azure's AKS
- Google Cloud’s GKE
- AWS’s EKS Anywhere
- Alibaba Cloud
- etc…
- Cilium CLI provides a consistent workflow to install and configure Cilium across all these clouds.
- Cilium integrates multi-cloud and multi-cluster service discovery and load-balancing across clouds.

Cloud Agnostic and Native Networking
- Easy to deploy and operate.
- Cloud-agnostic, with support across major cloud providers.
- Consistent networking and security across private and public clouds.
Cilium on EKS Anywhere
In this episode on Containers from the Couch, learn how eBPF can be used in your Kubernetes clusters. Using network plugins like Cilium can help you observe and troubleshoot your pod networking.
Featuring Liz Rice and Duffie Cooley from Isovalent.
Episode #70: Azure CNI Powered by Cilium
In this eCHo show, Liz and Nico walk through Azure CNI Powered by Cilium, why it is the recommended CNI for AKS Cluster and the benefits Cilium brings to AKS networking.
In this short video, Senior Technical Marketing Engineer Nico Vibert walks through the new model to deploy clusters on AKS without a CNI to ease the installation of CNIs like Cilium.
eBPF, Cilium and #GKE Dataplane V2 | Google Developers North America
What is eBPF, how Cilium enhances networking and security in Kubernetes, and how you can take advantage with GKE Dataplane V2.
Glen Yu is working as a Senior Manager within PwC's Cloud Engineering practice based out of Toronto with a focus on Google Cloud Platform.
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There is plenty more material available if you'd like to learn more.
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