
What's new in Cilium 1.14!

In this video, learn more about the latest and greatest in Cilium 1.14 (open source and enterprise). Learn from Cilium’s creator Thomas Graf about the latest features, including Cilium multi-network, mutual authentication, Layer 2 announcement, Cilium Mesh, BIG TCP and much more.

What's new in Cilium 1.14!

Join us to learn about the latest and greatest Cilium features

It’s been an exciting time for the Cilium project and community. Cilium has graduated as a CNCF project – a proof of its maturity and wide adoption. But the Cilium project is not slowing down on the innovation front – the Cilium 1.14 release and the Enterprise edition offered by Isovalent might be the biggest yet.


In this video, you will learn more about: 

  • Multi-network: connect your Pod to multiple interfaces, with no compromise on security or observability
  • Mutual Authentication: improve your security posture with zero effort
  • Envoy DaemonSet: a new option to deploy Envoy as a DaemonSet instead of embedded inside the Cilium agent 
  • WireGuard Improvements: encryption with Cilium is getting better – you can now encrypt the traffic from node-to-node and also use Layer 7 policies alongside WireGuard
  • Gateway API Update: our leading Gateway API implementation is updated with support for the latest Gateway API version, additional route type support and multiple labs
  • L2 Announcements: Cilium can now natively advertise External IPs to local networks over Layer 2, reducing the need to install and manage tools such as MetalLB
  • BGP Enhancements: introducing support for better operational tools and faster failover
  • Multi-Pool IPAM: introducing support to allocate IPs to Pods from multiple IPAM pools.
  • BIG TCP for IPv4: after the introduction of BIG TCP support for IPv6 in Cilium 1.13, here comes IPv4 support. Ready for a 50% throughput improvement? 

We also touch on the ongoing development of Cilium and discuss some of the new roadmap. You can already read about these new features in our 1.14 release blog. 


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