
Cilium Mesh Introduction & AMA

An introduction and ask-me-anything session on the brand new Cilium Mesh capability with Martynas Pumputis, Cilium Mesh Maintainer, and Thomas Graf, Co-Founder & CTO of Isovalent.

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Cilium Mesh Introduction & AMA

About this video:

Cilium Mesh connects Kubernetes workloads, virtual machines, and physical servers running in the cloud, on-premises, or at the edge. It is a natural evolution of Cilium. It builds on the strong Kubernetes networking foundation with identity-based security and deep observability and combines it with the highly scalable multi-cluster control plane Cilium Cluster Mesh. A new transit gateway that can be deployed as a virtual appliance into any network to connect workloads in existing networks with Kubernetes or workloads behind other transit gateways.


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Cilium Cluster Mesh

With the rise of Kubernetes adoption, an increasing number of clusters is deployed for various needs, and it is becoming common for companies to have clusters running on multiple cloud providers, as well as on-premise. Kubernetes Federation has for a few years brought the promise of connecting these clusters into multi-zone layers, but latency issues are more often than not preventing such architectures. Cilium Cluster Mesh allows you to connect the networks of multiple clusters in such as way that pods in each cluster can discover and access services in all other clusters of the mesh, provided all the clusters run Cilium as their CNI. This allows to effectively join multiple clusters into a large unified network, regardless of the Kubernetes distribution each of them is running. In this lab, we will see how to set up Cilium Cluster Mesh, and the benefits from such an architecture.