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Migrating from MetalLB to Cilium

Nico Vibert
Nico Vibert
Published: Updated: Cilium
Migrating from MetalLB to Cilium

In this tutorial, we are going to explore how to migrate from MetalLB to Cilium.

Before I go into the technical details, let me explain the reasoning behind the cover above. It was actually the illustration of the booth we had at KubeCon US in 2023.

It was originally inspired by an illustration that my colleague Bill posted on Twitter.

Let me describe it – not only for accessibility purposes but also in the likelihood Twitter/X will be gone by the time you read this post. The original tweet by @theburningmonk shows two people on a deserted surface, with one asking the other: “I’m pretty sure the application is somewhere around here”. Unbeknownst to them, the application is buried under them, under several layers of cloud native tools – Load-balancer, Ingress, Kube-proxy, Service Mesh and Side-car.

In response, Bill replied: “Fixed it, just needed one Cilium” and pasted a logo of Cilium on top of all the cloud native tools – as if to say, Cilium can do it all.

I’ve talked several times before about how Cilium can help folks deal with the overwhelming volume of cloud native networking tools (for example, with Cilium’s Gateway API support) and even made one of my predictions that users will look at simplifying their stack of tools.

As highlighted in the Cilium 1.14 release blog post, one tool that Cilium users might not need any longer is MetalLB.

Use cases for MetalLB

Let me start by saying – MetalLB is a very popular and reliable bare metal load-balancer tool.

MetalLB is indeed used to connect a cluster to the rest of the network – with BGP or, most commonly in home labs, with Layer 2 announcements (I will explain what this refers to later). It also provides IP Address Management (IPAM) capabilities for Kubernetes Services of the type LoadBalancer and generally acts as a Load Balancer for self-managed clusters (the cloud managed Kubernetes offerings tend to automatically do IPAM and LoadBalancing for you).

And MetalLB was used by Cilium in its early support of BGP, it was used in Cilium’s own CI/CD pipelines and was even used in our popular Isovalent Cilium labs.

I used the past tense purposely in the previous sentence: Cilium no longer leverages MetalLB for BGP (we use GoBGP instead), it has been removed from the GitHub Actions CI/CD testing and is no longer used in our labs. As one of the lab maintainers, I had no issue with MetalLB – I simply wanted to reduce the number of tools and dependencies.

Let’s walk through how Cilium supports these features and how we migrated from MetalLB in our labs.

Load-Balancer IPAM

First, we are going to look at one of the key use cases supported by MetalLB – IP address management – and we will walk through how Cilium addresses it.

As described in the Kubernetes documentation, Kubernetes Services of the type LoadBalancer “expose the Service externally using an external load balancer. Kubernetes does not directly offer a load balancing component; you must provide one, or you can integrate your Kubernetes cluster with a cloud provider.”

Load Balancer Service

One of the tasks operated by such external load balancer is to assign an external IP address to the Kubernetes Services. As mentioned, the tool of choice for this had often been MetalLB. This is particularly relevant in self-managed Kubernetes clusters as, when using cloud managed Kubernetes clusters, an IP and DNS entry will automatically be assigned to Kubernetes Services of the type LoadBalancer.

Cilium introduced support for Load-Balancer IP Address Management in Cilium 1.13 and we’ve seen a quick adoption of this feature. Let’s review with an example.

Load Balancer IP Address Management with Cilium

First, note this feature is enabled by default but dormant until the first IP Pool is added to the cluster. From this pool of IP addresses (defined in a CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool) will be allocated IPs to Kubernetes Services of the type LoadBalancer.

Cilium LB IPAM feature

LoadBalancer Services can be automatically created when exposing Services externally via the Ingress or Gateway API Resources but for this example, we’ll create a Service of the type LoadBalancer manually.

Let’s review a simple IP Pool:

$ cat pool.yaml
# No selector, match all
apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool
  name: "pool"
  - cidr: ""

IP addresses from the range will be assigned to a LoadBalancer Service.

Before we deploy the pool, check what happens when we deploy a Service of the type LoadBalancer. The service-blue Service is a simple Service that is labelled color:blue and is in the tenant-a namespace.

$ cat service-blue.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: service-blue
  namespace: tenant-a
    color: blue
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 1234

Let’s deploy it. At first, no IP address has been allocated yet (the External-IP is still <pending>).

$ kubectl apply -f service-blue.yaml
service/service-blue created
$ kubectl get svc/service-blue -n tenant-a
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service-blue   LoadBalancer   <pending>     1234:32543/TCP   23s

Next, we deploy the Cilium IP Pool:

$ kubectl apply -f pool.yaml created

Let us check again the Service – an IP address from the pool has been assigned in the field EXTERNAL-IP.

$ kubectl get svc/service-blue -n tenant-a
NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service-blue   LoadBalancer   1234:32543/TCP   4m11s

Service Selectors

Operators may want to have applications and services assigned IP addresses from specific ranges. This might be useful to then enforce network security rules on an traditional border firewall.

For example, you may want test or production services to get IP addresses from different ranges and apply different rules on the firewall as permissions to the test network might be looser than to the production one.

In our example, we will keep using colors. Services (in the tenant-b namespace) tagged with blueyellow or red will be allowed to pick up IP addresses from a primary colors IP pool.

This would be done by using a Service Selector, with a regular expression such as the one defined in pool-primary.yaml:

$ cat pool-primary.yaml
apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool
    name: "pool-primary"
  - cidr: ""
      - {key: color, operator: In, values: [yellow, red, blue]}

The expression - {key: color, operator: In, values: [yellow, red, blue]} checks whether the Service requesting the IP has a label with the key color with a value of either yellowred or blue.

Let’s deploy it:

$ kubectl apply -f pool-primary.yaml created

This time, we’ll try this with a Service that hasn’t got the right label and one with the right label.

$ kubectl apply -f service-red.yaml
service/service-red created
$ kubectl apply -f service-green.yaml
service/service-green created
$ kubectl get svc -n tenant-b --show-labels
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE   LABELS
service-green   LoadBalancer   <pending>     1234:32359/TCP   9s    color=green
service-red     LoadBalancer   1234:31758/TCP   9s    color=red

Review their assigned IPs and labels in the output above. Unlike service-redservice-green does not get an IP address. It’s simply because it doesn’t match the regular expression defined in the previously defined pool (green is not one of the primary colors).

Let’s now use an IP Pool that matches the color:green label:

$ cat pool-green.yaml
apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool
  name: "pool-green"
  - cidr: ""
      color: green

$ kubectl apply -f pool-green.yaml created

$ kubectl get svc/service-green -n tenant-b
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service-green   LoadBalancer    1234:32359/TCP   3m47s

This time, an IP address from the was assigned to service-green.

Requesting a specific IP

Users might want to request a specific set of IPs from a particular range. Cilium supports two methods to achieve this: the .spec.loadBalancerIP method (legacy, deprecated in K8S 1.24) and an annotation-based method.

The former method has now been deprecated because it did not support dual-stack services (only a single IP could be requested). With the latter annotation method, a list of requested (v4 or v6) IPs will be specified instead. We will look at an Dual Stack example later on.

Review this yellow service. Note the annotation used to requested specific IPs. In this scenario, we are requesting 4 IP addresses:

$ cat service-yellow.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: service-yellow
  namespace: tenant-c
    color: yellow
    "io.cilium/lb-ipam-ips": ",,,"
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 1234

We’re also going to use another pool, this time, matching on the namespace (tenant-c in our example).

$ cat pool-yellow.yaml
# Namespace selector
apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool
  name: "pool-yellow"
  - cidr: ""
      "io.kubernetes.service.namespace": "tenant-c"

Let’s deploy this service and pool and observe which IP addresses have been allocated:

$ kubectl apply -f service-yellow.yaml
service/service-yellow created
$ kubectl apply -f pool-yellow.yaml created
$ kubectl get svc/service-yellow -n tenant-c
NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP               PORT(S)          AGE
service-yellow   LoadBalancer,   1234:30026/TCP   3s

Note that the Service was allocated two of the requested IP addresses:

  • because it matches the namespace (tenant-c).
  • because it matches the primary colors labels.

Two other IP addresses were not assigned:

  • is not part of any defined pools.
  • is part of an existing pool but its serviceSelector doesn’t match with the Service (remember that this is part of the pool-green pool which matched on a green label).

L3 Announcement over BGP

Now that we have one (or multiple) IP address(es) assigned to our Services, we need to advertise them to the rest of the network so that external clients can reach them (and the Service it’s fronting).

We covered BGP in more details in a recent blog post (“Connecting your Kubernetes island to your network with Cilium BGP“) but to keep it short, know that BGP on Cilium enables you simply to set up BGP peering sessions between Cilium-managed nodes and Top-of-rack (ToR) devices and to tell the rest of the network about the networks and IP addresses used by your pods and your services.

BGP with Cilium

Setting up BGP can be done by using a CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy such as the one below:

apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy
  name: tor
    matchLabels: clab-bgp-cplane-devel-control-plane
  - localASN: 65001
    exportPodCIDR: true
        color: yellow
        - {key: io.kubernetes.service.namespace, operator: In, values: ["tenant-c"]}
    - peerAddress: ""
      peerASN: 65000

As you can see in the YAML above, we can specify which services are advertised, using a service selector. In our example, we only want to advertise to our peers Services with the color:yellow label and located in the tenant-c namespace.

Once this peering policy is applied (and assuming that the peer has been correctly configured), the peer will see routes such as:

$ show bgp ipv4
BGP table version is 3, local router ID is, vrf id 0
Default local pref 100, local AS 65000
Status codes:  s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, = multipath,
               i internal, r RIB-failure, S Stale, R Removed
Nexthop codes:<a class=

The peer can see the Pod CIDR advertised by Cilium but also the LoadBalancer Service IPs that match the filters defined in the Service Selector.

IPv6 Support

The examples so far focused on IPv4 but both LB-IPAM and BGP on Cilium support IPv6.

Here is an example of an LB-IPAM pool that would assign both an IPv4 and IPv6 address:

$ yq lb-pool.yaml
apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool
  name: "empire-ip-pool"
    org: empire
    - cidr: ""
    - cidr: "2001:db8:dead:beef::0/64"

When deploying a DualStack Service with the right label, the Service receives both an IPv4 and IPv6 address:

$ kubectl -n batuu get svc deathstar
NAME        TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP                              PORT(S)        AGE
deathstar   LoadBalancer,2001:db8:dead:beef::f1e   80:32488/TCP   18m

We can peer over IPv6 with our BGP neighbor and advertise our IPv6 address accordingly:

$ kubectl get control-plane -o yaml | yq '.spec.virtualRouters'
- exportPodCIDR: true
  localASN: 65001
    - connectRetryTimeSeconds: 120
      eBGPMultihopTTL: 1
      holdTimeSeconds: 90
      keepAliveTimeSeconds: 30
      peerASN: 65000
      peerAddress: fd00:10:0:1::1/128
      peerPort: 179
      announced: bgp

When we log onto our neighbour, we can see that the Service IPv6 address (alongside the IPv6 PodCIDR) has been received:

router0# show ip bgp ipv6 neighbors fd00:10:0:1::2 routes 
BGP table version is 4, local router ID is, vrf id 0
Default local pref 100, local AS 65000
Status codes:  s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, = multipath,
               i internal, r RIB-failure, S Stale, R Removed
Nexthop codes:<a class=

Note how our Top of Rack device is actually peering with multiple Cilium nodes.

router0# show ip bgp ipv6 summary

IPv6 Unicast Summary (VRF default):
BGP router identifier, local AS number 65000 vrf-id 0
BGP table version 4
RIB entries 7, using 1344 bytes of memory
Peers 3, using 2151 KiB of memory
Peer groups 1, using 64 bytes of memory

Neighbor        V         AS   MsgRcvd   MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ  Up/Down State/PfxRcd   PfxSnt Desc
fd00:10:0:1::2  4      65001      5580      5583        0    0    0 1d22h27m            2        4 N/A
fd00:10:0:2::2  4      65002      5580      5584        0    0    0 1d22h27m            2        4 N/A
fd00:10:0:3::2  4      65003      5580      5584        0    0    0 1d22h27m            2        4 N/A

Total number of neighbors 3

Here is an illustration of the network topology highlighted in this paragraph:

BGP over IPv6

All this is nice if you love routing and networking but, for those of you with a difficult relationship with BGP, we have another option for you.

L2 Announcement with ARP

While using BGP to advertise our Service IPs works great, not every device in the network will be BGP-capable and BGP might be overkill for some use cases, for example, in home labs.

One popular MetalLB use case that is now supported by Cilium is Layer 2 announcement, using ARP.

If you have local clients on the network that need access to the Service, they need to know which MAC address to send their traffic to. This is the role of ARP – the Address Resolution Protocol is used to discover the MAC address associated with a particular IP.

In the image above, our clients Client-A and Client-B are located on the same network as the Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service. In this case, BGP is superfluous; the clients simply need to understand which MAC address is associated with the IP address of our service so that they know to which host they need to send the traffic to.

What Cilium can do is reply to ARP requests from clients for LoadBalancer IPs or External IPs and enable these clients to access their services.

The feature can be tested in our Cilium LB-IPAM and L2 Announcements lab:

L2 Announcement

In this lab, learn about L2 Service Announcement with Cilium !

Start Lab

To enable this feature, use the following flags:

kubeProxyReplacement: strict
  enabled: true
devices: {eth0, net0}
  enabled: true

Let’s verify it’s enabled with the following command:

$ cilium config view | grep enable-l2
enable-l2-announcements                           true
enable-l2-neigh-discovery                         true

Why don’t we walk through another Star Wars-inspired example? We want to advertise the following Death Star service locally. Notice how the DeathStar service has an external IP address ( and the org:empire label.

# kubectl get svc deathstar --show-labels
deathstar   ClusterIP    80/TCP    72s   org=empire

Let’s advertise this Service locally with a simple CiliumL2AnnouncementPolicy. The policy below is pretty simple to understand. It will advertise locally the IP addresses of any Services with the label org: empire, whether they are External IPs or LoadBalancer IPs. Only the worker nodes will be replying to ARP requests (the node selector expression excludes the control plane node).

# cat layer2-policy.yaml 
apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumL2AnnouncementPolicy
  name: l2announcement-policy
      org: empire
      - key:
        operator: DoesNotExist
  - ^eth[0-9]+
  externalIPs: true
  loadBalancerIPs: true

Once deployed, a client from outside the cluster can access the service:

$ curl -s --max-time 2
        "name": "Death Star",
        "hostname": "deathstar-7848d6c4d5-27m7j",
        "model": "DS-1 Orbital Battle Station",
        "manufacturer": "Imperial Department of Military Research, Sienar Fleet Systems",
        "cost_in_credits": "1000000000000",
        "length": "120000",
        "crew": "342953",
        "passengers": "843342",
        "cargo_capacity": "1000000000000",
        "hyperdrive_rating": "4.0",
        "starship_class": "Deep Space Mobile Battlestation",
        "api": [
                "GET   /v1",
                "GET   /v1/healthz",
                "POST  /v1/request-landing",
                "PUT   /v1/cargobay",
                "GET   /v1/hyper-matter-reactor/status",
                "PUT   /v1/exhaust-port"

If you really want to know what happens under the hood, here is a screenshot of termshark showing the ARP request and reply. In this instance, the client (with an IP of wants to access a Service at and sends an ARP request as a broadcast asking “Who has Tell”.

The Cilium node will reply back to the client with its own MAC address (“ is at aa:c1:ab:05:ed:67”).

This works great and is a fantastic alternative when BGP is unwanted or unneeded.

The only drawback with Layer 2 Announcement is that it does not currently support IPv6.

Translating MetalLB configuration to Cilium

So far, we’ve reviewed how many of the common MetalLB use cases can be natively addressed by Cilium. To help you migrate from MetalLB, here is a sample configuration of our own migration from MetalLB to Cilium’s LB-IPAM and L2 Announcement features.

Here is the MetalLB configuration we used in our popular Service Mesh and Gateway API labs:

kind: IPAddressPool
  name: default
  namespace: metallb-system
kind: L2Advertisement
  name: l2advertisement
  namespace: metallb-system
  - default
  - matchLabels: NodeA
  - eth0

Here is the equivalent Cilium configuration:

apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool
  name: "pool"
    - cidr: ""
apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumL2AnnouncementPolicy
  name: l2policy
  loadBalancerIPs: true
    - eth0
    matchLabels: NodeA

Both configurations would allocate an IP address from the IP range and would announce the LoadBalancer IP from the eth0 network interfaces of the NodeA node.


With every release, Cilium becomes so much more than just a Container Network Interface (CNI). It is now an Ingress controller, a Gateway API implementation, a VPN and, as you saw in this blog post, it can also act as a bare metal load balancer. And while many users will continue to happily use MetalLB, those of you who already use Cilium may decide that one fewer tool to manage already helps reducing the operational fatigue.

Thanks for reading.

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Nico Vibert
AuthorNico VibertSenior Staff Technical Marketing Engineer

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