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Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium now Available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace

Thomas Graf
Thomas Graf
Published: Updated: Isovalent
AKS Cilium architecture

We are pleased to share that Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium is now available to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) customers as a one-click upgrade in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.  Today’s announcement marks a key milestone in our strategic partnership with Microsoft and begins our journey together to deliver the expansive eBPF-powered Cilium and Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium to Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure.

Our strategic partnership comprises several key milestones, as I laid it out in my blog post last year. Our subsequent blog about the key architectural benefits is well worth revisiting.

So, what does this announcement mean? Microsoft and Isovalent teams have been hard at work making sure Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium has been extensively tested and hardened on Azure Kubernetes Service. The solution is now ready to launch with customers. Customers have already started adoption. Adobe is a customer who is actively working together with Microsoft and Isovalent to leverage Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium on Azure Kubernetes Service.

Adobe has used Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium in production for many years, and we were excited to learn of the enterprise features and support provided on Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service by the Isovalent team. Our teams started testing of Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium on AKS as soon as it became available, and we are happy to report that we’ll be moving this into production in the near future.

Joseph Sandoval, Cloud Native Product Manager at Adobe.

Benefits of upgrading to Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium

Azure CNI Powered by CiliumIsovalent Enterprise for Cilium


  • Container Networking (CNI)
  • Kubernetes Network Policy & Services
  • Collaborative Support Agreement
  • Advanced Network Policy & Encryption (DNS, L7, TLS/SNI, …)
  • Ingress, Gateway API, & Service Mesh
  • Multi-Cluster, Egress Gateway, BGP, Non-Kubernetes Workloads
  • Hubble Network Observability (Metrics, Logs, Prometheus, Grafana, OpenTelemetry)
  • SIEM Integration & Timescape Observability Storage
  • Tetragon Runtime Security
  • Enterprise-hardened Cilium Distribution, Training, 24×7 Enterprise Grade Support

If you are an existing Azure Kubernetes Service customer running Azure CNI powered by Cilium, you can now seamlessly upgrade to Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium via the Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium listing on Azure Marketplace.

We invite our customers to try out the upgrade on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. You can request a demo from us if you’re interested to learn more about Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium on Azure Kubernetes Service before trying it out. Get in touch with us by clicking the button below:

Further Reading

Thomas Graf
AuthorThomas GrafCTO & Co-Founder Isovalent, Co-Creator Cilium, Chair eBPF Governing Board
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Cilium in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

In this tutorial, users will learn how to deploy Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium on your AKS cluster from Azure Marketplace on a new cluster and also upgrade an existing cluster from an AKS cluster running Azure CNI powered by Cilium to Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium.

Amit Gupta

Enabling Enterprise features for Cilium in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to enable Enterprise features (Layer-3, 4 & 7 policies, DNS-based policies, and observe the Network Flows using Hubble-CLI) in an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster running Isovalent Enterprise for Cilium.

Amit Gupta

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